Clove Leaf Pure Essential Oil (10ml)

Clove Leaf Pure Essential Oil (10ml)
Brand: Garden of Flora
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Potent, warm and spicy aroma with natural antiseptic soothing properties. Stimulating for the mind and body. Clove oil is extracted usually by steam distillation from the flower bud of the Eugenia caryophyllata tree, which is native to Indonesia and the Malacca islands. Cloves were popularly used in ancient India and China. It is believed that ancient Chinese medicine used cloves to treat many conditions. Clove oil can be used to soothe and relieve skin concerns and can be a benefit to sore, aching joints It is considered valuable for relieving respiratory problems and is reputed to be valuable for the digestive system. It is commonly used in dentistry for its pain-relieving effect. In aromatherapy, this essential oil stimulates the mind and may act as an aphrodisiac. It reduces mental exhaustion and fatigue and induces sleep in insomniacs. This is a potent oil which should very diluted when used in aromatherapy. Aromatic Description: Warm, spicy Plant Part: Leaves Source: Madagascar Extraction method: Steam distillation How to use essential oils Massage – Both body and facial massage can benefit from the intoxicating aroma of essential oils. Always ensure that you add the essential oil to a carrier oil first, and never apply directly to your skin. A carrier oil, also known as base oil, is used to dilute essential oils before they applied to the skin. Bathing – There is no better way to unwind than in an essential oil bath, calming oils like Lavender and Clary Sage are especially relaxing. Add 5-10 drops in a bath and disperse vigorously before entering the bath. Steam inhalation – This is a really good way of helping to relieve blocked sinuses or congestion. Eucalyptus is one of the most popular oils for this. Fill a large bowl with hot (not boiling water), add 3-4 drops of your chosen oil then lean over the bowl placing a towel over your head and slowly breathe in the until you start to feel relief. Diffusers – There are many diffusers available, one of